My Kid Is Nice at School but Behaves Differently at Home. Why?

It's not uncommon for children to behave differently at home than they do in school or other social settings. At school, your child is expected to follow rules, interact with peers, and behave in a certain way. At home, they may feel more comfortable and free to express themselves.

There could be many reasons why your child behaves differently at home. They may be testing boundaries or trying to assert their independence. They may also be dealing with stress or anxiety that they don't feel comfortable expressing at school.

To address this behavior, it's important to have an open and honest conversation with your child. Try to understand their perspective and what might be causing their behavior. Encourage them to express their feelings and listen without judgment.

It's also important to establish clear expectations and consequences for behavior at home. Be consistent with enforcing rules and consequences, and praise good behavior when it occurs. Try to create a positive and supportive environment at home, where your child feels valued and respected.

If you're concerned about your child's behavior, consider reaching out to their teacher or a mental health professional for additional support and guidance.


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